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The Sierra Forest Voice Newsletter

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July 6, 2018: Mammoth Times –- Craig Thomas
Lions Fire--Coming to terms with fire, smoke, and cultural change in California fire policy

June 15, 2018: Fresno Bee – Craig Thomas, Jim Branham, and Jim McDougal.
Living with Fire in California: A little smoke now prevents a lot more later.

August 5, 2013: Modesto Bee –- Craig Thomas and John Buckley
Amphibian protection proposal also protects humans

April, 5, 2008: Sacramento Bee
Picking right trees to cut in Tahoe forest

February 16, 2008: Grass Valley Union – Dave Jaramillo, Other Voices
Foothill communities get fire wise

November 16, 2007: Grass Valley Union – Dave Jaramillo, Other Voices
See the bigger picture in forest thinnning issue

July 17, 2007: Paradise Post
Environmentalists helpful with fire safety

July 1, 2007: Sacramento Bee – Craig Thomas, Special to The Bee
Living with risk: Homeowners face the responsibility and challenge of developing defenses against wildfires

May 24, 2007: Fresno Bee – Craig Thomas, Opinion
Kings River project is on the wrong track

April 9, 2007: Modesto Bee
Do your part to stop SPI turning forests into moonscapes

April 6, 2007: Redding Record-Searchlight
Clear-cutting worsens forest-fire hazards

April 5, 2007: Sacramento Bee
A victory for forests: Court sends planning back to square one

February 18, 2007: Sacramento Bee –Craig Thomas, Special to The Bee
Another View

June 6, 2003: Sacramento Bee
Sierra plan calls for more logging

Letters to the Editor

April 22, 2008: Grass Valley Union
Logging industry misleads on climate and forest fires

April 5, 2008: Sacramento Bee
Picking right trees to cut in Tahoe forest

July 19, 2007: Reno Gazette Journal
Sierra Club working for real fire solutions

August 26, 2007: San Francisco Chronicle
Burn for safety

April 9, 2007: Modesto Bee
Do your part to stop SPI turning forests into moonscapes

April 6, 2007: Redding Record-Searchlight
Clear-cutting worsens forest-fire hazards

Other Media...

December 20, 2018 LA Times
Here's how California can use fire to solve its wildfire problem

September 27, 2008 National Public Radio (NPR)
NPR: Fire ecologists say more fires should be left to burn. So why aren't they?

September 21, 2018 Fort Bragg Advocate News
Is California's firefighting strategy making future fires worse?

September 9, 2018. The Mercury News
Megafires: Controlled burns could reduce destructive, out of control blazes; State considers strategies to reduce “megafires”

September 5, 2018, Yale Environment 360
Fighting Fire with Fire: California Turns to Prescribed Burning

July 16, 2018 KQED
Why California's Best Strategy Against Wildfire is Hardly Ever Used
Read the report or listen to the broadcast on KQED

February 5, 2018 Sacramento Bee
Sacramento Bee: Future forest health needs fire to fight fire

December 11, 2017 High Country News
What fire researchers learned from Northern California blazes -- In California, land managers use fire as a tool.

November 28, 2016: Water Deeply (
New Study Finds Surprising Culprit Drives Forest Fire Behavior

July 1, 2016: From the Atlantic, CityLab
What California Can Learn From How the South Manages Wildfires -- As deadly wildfires blaze, experts are calling on the state to emulate the South’s long tradition of prescribed burning

August 5, 2013: Sacramento Bee
Critics jump on frog and toad protection plans in California

April 12, 2012: Fresno Bee Blog
Sierra National Forest brings foes together for restoration

April 8, 2012: Sacramento Bee – Matt Weiser
California deer population declines as habitat disappears

September 15, 2010: Portola Reporter
County must pay back misused road funds

April 2, 2010: Sonora Union Democrat
Calaveras group offers blueprint for partnership

March 31, 2010: Sacramento Bee
California Fisher report challenged by scientists

May 26, 2009: Sacramento Bee – Matt Weiser
Logging in fire area revives Tahoe fears -- Groups point to fouled streams, denuded slopes

July 27, 2008: Sacramento Bee
Forest Service burns through its budgets

July 21, 2008: San Francisco Chronicle
Warming West is ground zero for wildfires

July 20, 2008: Idaho Statesman
Are the ways fires are fought and prevented firewise?

July 18, 2008: Sacramento Bee
Forest Service explains its 'let it burn'policy

July 13, 2008: Sacramento Bee
Daniel Weintraub: Sometimes there is no choice but to let it burn

July 8, 2008: Sacramento Bee
Smoke is normal--for 1800s

June 27, 2008: Union Democrat
Ancient trees a big draw for tourists, daytrippers

May 22, 2008: Bay City News Service
State high court rejects environmental challenge to Sierra logging plans

May 14, 2008: Sacramento Bee – Denny Walsh and Matt Weiser
Court halts logging in Plumas forest

May 14, 2008: San Francisco Chronicle – Bob Egelko
Court bars Bush administration's logging plans for Sierra

May 9, 2008: New York Times
Major Deal Preserves Ranch Land in California

March 5, 2008: Sacramento Bee
Elusive wolverine makes its first Sierra appearance in years

February 19, 2008: Tahoe Daily Tribune - Adam Jensen
Prescribed burns to target forest floors

February 12, 2007: Fresno Bee - Mark Grossi
Weasel-like animal threatens forest plan

December 7, 2007: Sacramento Bee - Carrie Peyton Dahlberg
Ruling likely to slow burning - But it won't stop fire prevention efforts, forest managers say.

December 5, 2007: Associated Press - Terence Chea
Appeals Court Blocks Bush Logging Rule

August 9, 2007: San Francisco Chronicle
Climate change, forest management result in bigger, hotter fires

August 4, 2007: San Francisco Chronicle
Tree thinning seen as factor in limiting fire

August 4, 2007: Sacramento Bee
Study: Angora fire unstoppable

August 4, 2007: Associated Press
Report: Many houses in Lake Tahoe Fire ignited by other houses

July 10, 2007: Sacramento Bee
Fires rip through West's wildlands

June 26, 2007: San Francisco Chronicle
Raging Tahoe Fire’s Roots

June 25, 2007: Christian Science Monitor
Tahoe blaze puts focus on homeowners' prevention efforts

May 29, 2007: Stockton Record
Untamed river may get wilder

May 24, 2007: Land Letter
Lawsuit tries to prevent Sierra logging

April 8, 2007: Fresno Bee
Conservatives warm to climate concerns

October 20, 2005: Stockton Record
Environmentalists complain wildlife protections will be lost

February 2, 2005: Sonora Union Democrat
Forest plan spurs two lawsuits

February 2, 2005: Associated Press
State, activists sue to block Sierra national forest plan

August 24, 2004: Associated Press
Judge blocks fed's plan to sell Tahoe timber

January 23, 2004: Los Angeles Times
U.S. to Triple Logging in Sierra

January 23, 2004: Sacramento Bee
The new blueprint will cut fire risk, officials say, but foes claim it is driven by logging interests

September 10, 2003: Sacramento Bee
California fire funds sent from north to south

June 6, 2003: Sacramento Bee
Sierra plan calls for more logging

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