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In this section...
Projects and Plans
Projects and Plans
Farm Bill CE Projects
Projects by Region
Northern Sierra Nevada
Central Sierra Nevada and Lake Tahoe Basin
Southern Sierra Nevada
Major Plans and Projects
Forest Plan Revisions
Management Indicator Species Plan Amendment
Collaborative Landscape-scale Projects
Giant Sequoia National Monument
Forest Monitoring
Laws, Policy, and Regulations
Laws, Policy, and Regulations
Recent Important Case Law
Key Forest Service Policy affecting the Sierra Nevada
Forest Planning Regulations
Sierra Nevada Wildlife at Risk
Biodiversity of the Sierra Nevada
Sierra Nevada Mountain Yellow-legged Frog
California Red-legged Frog
Yosemite Toad
Black-backed Woodpecker
California Spotted Owl
Flammulated Owl
Greater Sage-Grouse
Great Gray Owl
Northern Goshawk
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Pileated Woodpecker
Willow Flycatcher
Golden Trout
Spring-run Chinook
Central Valley Steelhead
American Marten
American Pika
Gray Wolf
North American Beaver
Northern Flying Squirrel
Pacific Fisher
Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep
Sierra Nevada Red Fox
Sierra Nevada Framework Management Indicator Species (MIS)
Laws Protecting Plant and Wildlife Species
Fire and Forest Ecology
Fire and Forest Ecology
Threats to Forests and Wildlife
Fire Science and Research
Logging Impacts
Salvage Logging Science
Threatened Habitats
Forest Economics
Industrial Forestlands
Key Forest Service Policy Affecting the Sierra Nevada
Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment (Framework)
Sierra Nevada Framework Plan Revisions
Proposed Management Indicator Species Plan Amendment
Healthy Forests Initiative
Roadless Area Conservation
Off-highway Vehicle Regulations