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Interagency Air and Smoke Management Council

The Interagency Air and Smoke Management Council was established to provide a forum for air regulators, land managers, and fire managers to get together and talk about air quality and smoke management issues in California.

Their mission is to provide opportunities for communication, coordination, and education needed to develop workable fire management, land management, and air quality strategies.

Sierra Forest Legacy staff members regularly attend IASMC meetings in our efforts to promote beneficial burning to restore fire resiliency and wildlife habitat to the Sierra Nevada. More information about the council can be found at this website.

Council Objectives

  • Build communication networks.
  • Provide education and awareness of respective needs of land managers and air quality regulators.
  • Facilitate smooth transition into new and changing air quality regulations and other applicable environmental regulations.
  • Identify any conflicts and recommend compromises.
  • Identify any needed changes in law and identify possible solutions.
  • Find and develop new tools, and utilize best available science to help accomplish prescribed burn and air quality goals.
  • Develop strategies to provide public education.

Council Members

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